画像: BRaVS

BRaVS is an IoT service that lets you easily use image analytics AI that
uses deep learning

You can use image analytics AI in various applications.

  • Main AI features used:
    • Object Recognition : Identifies objects in images
    • Object Detection : Finds and counts targets in an image
    • Abnormality Detection : Learns the normal status to find abnormalities in an image
    • Abnormal Movement Detection : Detects parts of video that contains non-normal movement
    • Segmentation : Locate objects and boundaries in images
    • Image Creation : Creates a new image from an input image
画像: BRaVS Platform (2022年)【BIPROGY】 www.youtube.com

BRaVS Platform (2022年)【BIPROGY】


How BRaVS Works

Provides access to image analytics technology that improves your business

画像: How BRaVS Works

Use Case

Automated inspection of products

  • Prevent variations in inspection accuracy due to manual inspection
  • Inspect 100% of items.Improve coverage vs. sampling based inspection

Automated monitoring of production lines and machines

  • Achieve 24/7 monitoring and monitoring of places that are difficult for people to enter
  • Features and changes difficult to identify with the human eye can be detected by computer vision


BRaVS runs on the IoT business platform that provides the technology stack required for an IoT
business. Its standard features include not only data management technologies and analysis
know-how for processing big data, images and sensing data but also functions that enable secure
and efficient IoT operations.

画像: A one-stop platform that is designed to provide a set of technologies needed for the IoT business.

A one-stop platform that is designed to provide a set of technologies needed for the IoT business.


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